Newspaper News : Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer Tied to Heart
Aug. 31, 2017
A common treatment for prostate cancer may increase
the risk for heart disease.
A study in the British Journal of
Cancer identified 7,637 men in California who had new diagnoses
of localized prostate cancer from 1998 to 2008 and followed them through 2010.
About 30 percent of the men received androgen
deprivation therapy, or A.D.T., a drug treatment that deprives prostate cancer
cells of male sex hormones, which encourage their growth.
Men who did not have pre-existing cardiovascular
disease who underwent A.D.T. had an 81 percent increased relative risk for
heart failure compared with men who did not get the drug regimen. They also had
slightly increased risks for heart rhythm disorders.
Men treated with A.D.T. who already had
cardiovascular disease were also at higher risk for heart rhythm and conduction
disorders compared to heart patients who did not get the drugs.
The study
controlled for race, age, prostate tumor characteristics, other medications and
cardiovascular risk factors.
The lead author,
Reina Haque, a research scientist at Kaiser Permanente in Pasadena, Calif.,
said that the results could be particularly important for prostate patients who
have risk factors for heart disease. The study, she said, provides “a way to
begin a conversation about whether A.D.T. is a treatment you should use.”
1- Que assunto é relacionado no título da notícia?
2- Quantos homens tiveram câncer na Califórnia?
3- Que tipo de tratamento foi oferecido a 30% dos homens?
4- Quais foram os riscos para cardíacos e não
5- Que itens foram considerados no estudo em
6- Que
conclusão obteve a pesquisadora Reina Haque?
Produção Escrita: Escrever uma mensagem em Inglês
incentivando o tratamento preventivo ao câncer de próstata.

* Publicação do Prof.Sérgio em parceria com a Profª Juraci
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