・What is HIV/AIDS?
AIDS (Acquired
Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome) is caused by infection with HIV (Human
Immuno-Deficiency Virus), and causes the immune system to collapse, which in
turn results in reduced immune resistance.For this reason, AIDS patients are susceptible to pathogens as well as
bacteria, viruses, and molds (which are present in the natural environment but
are harmless to healthy people) which proliferate rapidly in the patient's
body.A small proportion of
HIV-infected patients may temporarily experience cold-like symptoms immediately
(one or two weeks) after infection, but most patients do not experience
symptoms for a period ranging from six months to more than 10 years after
infection. For this reason, HIV-infected patients are usually unaware of their
infection. These patients are called "asymptomatic carriers".If asymptomatic carriers do not recognize their infection and do not
receive proper treatment, they experience an "AIDS related complex"
after a long asymptomatic period. The symptoms of AIDS related complex include
fever, sudden weight loss, diarrhea, swollen lymph glands, and fatigue.
Deterioration of the immune functions leads to serious infectious diseases
(including pneumonia), cancer, and nervous disorders. A person with these
symptoms is diagnosed as an "AIDS patient".If you think you could be infected with HIV, you need to take a test.
With early diagnosis and early treatment, an HIV carrier can lead a normal
life. If the infection goes unrecognized, HIV may be transmitted to your
partner or spouse.
Fonte: http://www.pref.aichi.jp/kenkotaisaku/aids/ep_information/ep_whats_aids.htm
Fonte: http://www.pref.aichi.jp/kenkotaisaku/aids/ep_information/ep_whats_aids.htm
1- O que significa a sigla AIDS ?
2- O que acontece com o organismo ao ser infectado com o vírus?
3-Toda pessoa ao ser infectada apresenta sintomas imediatos da doença?
4- Retire do texto a comprovação em Inglês da resposta anterior.
5- Quais são os sintomas quando a doença progride?
6- Como se descobre a doença e cite algumas formas de prevenção, de acordo os seus conhecimentos.
Dica de Filme clássico sobre o assunto- Filadélfia

The ROQUE BASTOS FAMILY wishes everyone a lot of health
and love without AIDS.
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